By: Arabe********
I happened to stumble onto this dark, moody series on the On Demand's BBC America channel and became speedily hooked. It's done by the Brits and they bring their sensibilities to the table. Its tone, while somewhat reminiscent of the X-FILES, also does remind me a bit of DOCTOR WHO, but that one's to be expected as these two shows are closely linked. In fact, the word "Torchwood" is an anagram of Doctor Who and was a security code used by the crew of that series to foil television piracy.The sci-fi elements naturally loom large. The show immediately immerses the audience in its peculiar and scary universe lurking just behind the veil of normality. Cool and wondrous gadgets and concepts abound: perception filters, invisible lifts, ghost machines, time rifts, resurrection gloves - you know, screwy science-run-amok stuff. The show's contents do tend to stray toward more adult themes, and the casual use of earthy language underscores this. As a reflection of this maturity, the show isn't
