The series revolves around Henry Griffin, a very confident and wholly unique teenager who moves to Washington D.C. to attend a high school located in the Smithsonian Museum. Having two globe trotting anthropologists for parents, Henry is already a seasoned adventurer and one with a nose for trouble - which is why his parents have chosen to send him back to the states to live under the care of his uncle, who also happens to be the no-nonsense principal of the high school Henry will attend.
Henry's experience at the school is somewhat 'fish out of water,' for he is not up-to-date with American social practices or technology and thus has much to learn. Fortunately, Henry manages to form solid bonds with his cousin Jasper (who being the principal's son, does his best to live by the rules) and Maggie, a book-smart student who needs to loosen up a little. Together, the three stumble into mystery after mystery, most of which center around fantastic artifacts that are somehow connected to the Smithsonian. |