The Apprentice DVD is an American reality television show hosted by Donald Trump, created by Mark Burnett and broadcast on NBC. Billed as "The Ultimate Job Interview", the show stars sixteen to eighteen businesspeople competing in an elimination-style competition for a one-year, $250,000 starting contract of running one of business magnate Trump's companies.
On May 14, 2007, the series was left off NBC's schedule but NBC Entertainment president Kevin Reilly said he was still in discussions with Mark Burnett and Trump.However, on May 19, 2007, Trump announced that he was "moving on from The Apprentice to a major new TV venture", effectively ending the series in the United States.But on May 22, 2007, NBC announced The Apprentice might return next season even though Trump had said he quit.
On May 29, 2007, Trump said that NBC wanted a seventh season and he would be returning as the host.On July 6, 2007, it was announced that The Apprentice has been officially renewed for a seventh season with a possibility of an eighth season.On July 16, 2007, NBC confirmed that the show was renewed for a seventh season to run mid-season. In an effort to revitalize interest in the series, the seventh season featured celebrities playing the game to raise money for charities. On January 28, 2008, NBC confirmed that the show was renewed for an eighth season to start in January 2009 and featured high profile celebrities playing the game to raise money for charity.On April 29, 2009 NBC officially announced The Celebrity Apprentice is renewed for a third season (ninth season overall) to air in the spring of 2010.